Statistics » U20 teams » Players in tracker

U20 Teams

#TeamCount playersIn scout's listsAverage ageTSISalary (kr)Rel.%Ability HTMSPotential HTMS
1 Al Iraq U21 Al Iraq 5834 19 years and 7 days 15,34235,351 71 5421,872
2 Al Kuwayt U21 Al Kuwayt 619284 19 years and 21 days 23,83658,336 66 6081,879
3 Al Maghrib U21 Al Maghrib 785336 19 years and 13 days 29,45165,485 73 6571,923
4 Al Urdun U21 Al Urdun 827339 19 years and 9 days 16,77639,968 68 5361,836
5 Al Yaman U21 Al Yaman 1221857 19 years and 2 days 13,87832,207 70 5131,832
6 Algérie U21 Algérie 563277 19 years and 26 days 18,89146,100 67 5811,891
7 Andorra U21 Andorra 1840475 19 years and 8 days 18,48244,336 68 5501,825
8 Angola U21 Angola 1124433 19 years and 19 days 18,00841,307 71 5671,839
9 Argentina U21 Argentina 8257899 19 years and 0 days 17,23740,789 69 5671,895
10 Azərbaycan U21 Azərbaycan 679260 19 years and 27 days 16,57638,077 71 5391,877
11 Bahrain U21 Bahrain 631309 19 years and 5 days 14,55034,557 68 5261,846
12 Bangladesh U21 Bangladesh 1117607 19 years and 13 days 19,97245,102 72 5801,892
13 Barbados U21 Barbados 1350633 19 years and 7 days 14,82137,330 65 5411,848
14 Belarus U21 Belarus 1136316 19 years and 20 days 16,25438,360 69 5421,879
15 Belgium U21 Belgium 6731445 19 years and 10 days 21,19547,852 72 6431,959
16 Belize U21 Belize 1240580 19 years and 56 days 20,17450,205 65 5821,888
17 Bénin U21 Bénin 772371 19 years and 29 days 15,70440,540 63 5441,881
18 Bolivia U21 Bolivia 1046348 19 years and 19 days 16,11437,709 70 5541,855
19 Bosna i Hercegovina U21 Bosna i Hercegovina 1981443 19 years and 15 days 16,37638,725 69 5531,888
20 Botswana U21 Botswana 1437641 19 years and 54 days 17,38841,739 68 5571,860
21 Brasil U21 Brasil 8025654 21 years and 0 days 14,51435,297 67 5171,851
22 Brunei U21 Brunei 903399 19 years and 16 days 19,28148,901 64 5651,830
23 Bulgaria U21 Bulgaria 4235630 19 years and 15 days 16,64637,918 71 5671,883
24 Cabo Verde U21 Cabo Verde 1551429 19 years and 10 days 11,76727,481 70 5221,820
25 Cameroon U21 Cameroon 1206348 19 years and 41 days 18,52542,275 71 5551,840
26 Canada U21 Canada 2828414 19 years and 4 days 15,79737,457 69 5411,852
27 Česko U21 Česko 6683645 19 years and 4 days 18,44943,079 70 5941,916
28 Chile U21 Chile 3887395 19 years and 12 days 18,49644,075 68 5881,926
29 China U21 China 4026398 19 years and 0 days 18,45244,022 68 5721,896
30 Chinese Taipei U21 Chinese Taipei 1384878 19 years and 5 days 20,93952,810 65 5931,853
31 Colombia U21 Colombia 1433119 19 years and 11 days 17,43239,409 72 5751,895
32 Comoros U21 Comoros 1223721 19 years and 47 days 20,32349,044 67 6101,911
33 Costa Rica U21 Costa Rica 72420 19 years and 12 days 15,24937,672 66 5611,852
34 Côte d’Ivoire U21 Côte d'Ivoire 913309 19 years and 12 days 21,18350,507 68 5881,891
35 Crna Gora U21 Crna Gora 907115 19 years and 17 days 11,43426,997 69 4851,779
36 Cuba U21 Cuba 1378416 19 years and 7 days 15,92139,376 66 5421,858
37 Curaçao U21 Curaçao 858585 19 years and 62 days 27,64564,552 70 6851,958
38 Cymru U21 Cymru 1838516 20 years and 11 days 12,64129,491 70 5001,806
39 Cyprus U21 Cyprus 6081 19 years and 14 days 19,64546,462 69 5951,898
40 Danmark U21 Danmark 40111021 20 years and 0 days 29,45863,191 76 7101,977
41 Dawlat Qatar U21 Dawlat Qatar 563171 19 years and 5 days 19,93647,209 69 5741,873
42 Deutschland U21 Deutschland 118141642 19 years and 0 days 23,54650,546 76 6631,982
43 Dhivehi Raajje U21 Dhivehi Raajje 1364423 19 years and 31 days 14,44235,447 66 5261,813
44 Ecuador U21 Ecuador 1767552 19 years and 14 days 11,42827,189 68 4811,762
45 Eesti U21 Eesti 3115801 19 years and 1 days 13,40030,087 72 5251,839
46 El Salvador U21 El Salvador 592341 19 years and 2 days 28,39472,596 64 6561,908
47 England U21 England 62141255 20 years and 0 days 15,51136,132 70 5571,885
48 España U21 España 17333796 19 years and 6 days 18,77641,963 73 6221,859
49 France U21 France 10228509 19 years and 0 days 18,28042,062 71 5831,930
50 Føroyar U21 Føroyar 1584331 19 years and 12 days 14,72734,576 69 5351,835
51 Ghana U21 Ghana 940538 19 years and 32 days 17,63141,413 69 5701,899
52 Guam U21 Guam 944298 19 years and 59 days 17,46441,614 68 5681,870
53 Guatemala U21 Guatemala 777310 19 years and 18 days 15,41239,535 63 5301,869
54 Haiti U21 Haiti 11891 19 years and 42 days 14,60435,888 66 5331,810
55 Hanguk U21 Hanguk 888579 19 years and 6 days 20,50748,597 69 5981,863
56 Hayastan U21 Hayastan 926453 19 years and 19 days 19,53244,546 71 5791,896
57 Hellas U21 Hellas 28691 19 years and 15 days 18,56542,260 71 5901,909
58 Honduras U21 Honduras 609170 19 years and 3 days 16,16539,222 67 5471,826
59 Hong Kong, China U21 Hong Kong 6610 19 years and 5 days 18,83244,855 68 5831,919
60 Hrvatska U21 Hrvatska 2403948 20 years and 0 days 22,15649,165 73 6351,952
61 India U21 India 1560805 19 years and 1 days 22,00654,077 66 5851,856
62 Indonesia U21 Indonesia 1417289 19 years and 2 days 9,83522,658 71 4801,812
63 Iran U21 Iran 3079475 19 years and 10 days 15,55637,151 68 5491,883
64 Ireland U21 Ireland 26881005 22 years and 1 days 17,39044,439 64 5691,862
65 Ísland U21 Ísland 1568600 19 years and 11 days 16,87939,435 70 5681,890
66 Israel U21 Israel 5527302 19 years and 7 days 13,07330,984 69 5121,804
67 Italia U21 Italia 314661628 19 years and 0 days 14,85834,052 71 5411,898
68 Ītyōṗṗyā U21 Ītyōṗṗyā 755130 19 years and 35 days 17,51645,110 63 5571,874
69 Jamaica U21 Jamaica 1353532 19 years and 13 days 22,83953,318 70 6071,876
70 Kazakhstan U21 Kazakhstan 1302514 19 years and 19 days 18,82747,485 65 5531,841
71 Kenya U21 Kenya 1311850 19 years and 18 days 21,46553,232 66 5971,895
72 Kyrgyz Republic U21 Kyrgyzstan 741181 19 years and 1 days 14,22535,125 66 5391,868
73 Latvija U21 Latvija 3682743 19 years and 10 days 16,56038,158 71 5521,905
74 Lëtzebuerg U21 Lëtzebuerg 1752784 19 years and 20 days 13,87930,829 73 5361,864
75 Liechtenstein U21 Liechtenstein 2212888 19 years and 1 days 17,91042,537 68 5651,869
76 Lietuva U21 Lietuva 2540159 19 years and 9 days 15,87936,298 71 5481,886
77 Lubnan U21 Lubnan 670342 19 years and 25 days 17,75341,598 69 5541,870
78 Madagasikara U21 Madagasikara 96467 19 years and 41 days 13,09929,698 72 5131,840
79 Magyarország U21 Magyarország 69471779 20 years and 10 days 17,99842,049 70 5781,914
80 Malaysia U21 Malaysia 535105 19 years and 9 days 21,21050,020 69 5951,873
81 Malta U21 Malta 1188620 19 years and 7 days 20,31950,141 66 5841,883
82 México U21 México 2751480 19 years and 0 days 15,49636,340 69 5571,876
83 Misr U21 Misr 89917 19 years and 8 days 12,87132,026 65 4941,785
84 Moçambique U21 Moçambique 1121312 19 years and 14 days 16,80741,203 66 5431,842
85 Moldova U21 Moldova 1057329 19 years and 20 days 22,62655,954 66 5791,873
86 Mongol Uls U21 Mongol Uls 1275332 19 years and 12 days 13,26332,464 66 5211,804
87 Myanmar U21 Myanmar 1477476 19 years and 33 days 20,16046,981 70 5821,867
88 Nederland U21 Nederland 15730731 19 years and 2 days 15,68733,875 75 5641,920
89 Nicaragua U21 Nicaragua 1644819 19 years and 18 days 17,89841,311 70 5691,864
90 Nigeria U21 Nigeria 1116418 19 years and 6 days 15,91836,599 71 5531,853
91 Nippon U21 Nippon 2269892 19 years and 6 days 12,83330,330 69 5301,805
92 Norge U21 Norge 7676583 19 years and 0 days 13,70831,172 72 5291,844
93 Northern Ireland U21 Northern Ireland 1354298 19 years and 13 days 15,23134,606 72 5441,866
94 O’zbekiston U21 O'zbekiston 922379 19 years and 16 days 17,20042,668 66 5571,809
95 Oceania U21 Oceania 4499656 20 years and 0 days 17,07939,303 71 5651,887
96 Oman U21 Oman 741128 19 years and 28 days 14,53235,124 67 5321,839
97 Österreich U21 Österreich 4267693 24 years and 10 days 18,62243,505 70 5991,925
98 Pakistan U21 Pakistan 831530 19 years and 7 days 17,64341,875 69 5601,848
99 Palestine U21 Palestine 925376 19 years and 33 days 18,30543,700 68 5651,865
100 Panamá U21 Panama 987492 19 years and 2 days 15,80439,057 66 5391,828
101 Paraguay U21 Paraguay 1177614 19 years and 11 days 14,59435,549 67 5281,871
102 Perú U21 Perú 2913573 19 years and 9 days 17,02840,003 69 5641,878
103 Pilipinas U21 Pilipinas 827437 19 years and 10 days 21,57554,570 64 5961,870
104 Polska U21 Polska 27454997 19 years and 11 days 11,99526,614 73 5221,806
105 Portugal U21 Portugal 8744381 19 years and 5 days 13,38530,255 72 5331,877
106 Kampuchea U21 Prateh Kampuchea 1056400 19 years and 32 days 17,46939,601 72 5641,845
107 Prathet Thai U21 Prathet Thai 897385 19 years and 7 days 16,86938,542 71 5711,875
108 Puerto Rico U21 Puerto Rico 2017722 19 years and 23 days 20,20050,429 65 5821,884
109 RD Congo U21 RD Congo 992579 19 years and 15 days 20,42551,104 65 5871,919
110 República Dominicana U21 República Dominicana 1013476 19 years and 8 days 16,76443,566 63 5371,851
111 România U21 România 6447647 19 years and 7 days 22,99652,301 72 6531,922
112 Rossiya U21 Rossiya 2632636 19 years and 2 days 19,03644,959 69 5651,911
113 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines U21 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2015428 19 years and 66 days 14,28035,549 65 5231,815
114 Sakartvelo U21 Sakartvelo 111628 19 years and 10 days 14,87235,716 68 5441,847
115 San Marino U21 San Marino 3674973 19 years and 38 days 16,41740,846 65 5411,823
116 São Tomé e Príncipe U21 São Tomé e Príncipe 2209642 19 years and 68 days 17,52644,240 64 5441,829
117 Saudi Arabia U21 Saudi Arabia 746309 19 years and 3 days 22,23850,801 71 6011,878
118 Schweiz U21 Schweiz 153331696 19 years and 9 days 18,75741,559 73 6011,904
119 Scotland U21 Scotland 1702399 19 years and 10 days 18,69645,216 67 5891,913
120 Sénégal U21 Senegal 722307 19 years and 18 days 19,35147,207 67 5831,871
121 Severna Makedonija U21 Severna Makedonija 1129247 19 years and 1 days 13,37829,817 73 5141,798
122 Shqipëria U21 Shqiperia 1062529 19 years and 18 days 17,90245,469 64 5581,853
123 Singapore U21 Singapore 784300 19 years and 10 days 18,14645,027 66 5561,858
124 Slovenija U21 Slovenija 1696722 19 years and 3 days 20,58047,689 70 6001,936
125 Slovensko U21 Slovensko 3202237 19 years and 1 days 15,97735,658 73 5651,852
126 South Africa U21 South Africa 1091412 19 years and 9 days 17,77242,082 69 5521,868
127 Srbija U21 Srbija 3310442 19 years and 9 days 19,35443,049 73 5771,895
128 Sri Lanka U21 Sri Lanka 921374 19 years and 34 days 17,54746,963 61 5561,893
129 Suomi U21 Suomi 11163428 19 years and 0 days 14,13230,622 75 5451,879
130 Suriname U21 Suriname 1150475 19 years and 13 days 16,94840,587 68 5651,841
131 Suriyah U21 Suriyah 567327 19 years and 7 days 18,12941,829 71 5721,906
132 Sverige U21 Sverige 938484 19 years and 0 days 15,75535,245 73 5561,881
133 Tanzania U21 Tanzania 1034505 19 years and 2 days 17,30942,602 66 5541,886
134 Tounes U21 Tounes 610117 19 years and 1 days 17,96243,147 68 5401,813
135 Trinidad & Tobago U21 Trinidad & Tobago 902486 19 years and 6 days 15,54036,114 70 5511,869
136 Türkiye U21 Türkiye 4688664 19 years and 1 days 18,57042,891 70 5731,900
137 Uganda U21 Uganda 965415 19 years and 29 days 18,71248,139 63 5591,846
138 Ukraina U21 Ukraina 3487675 19 years and 13 days 15,09635,046 70 5211,841
139 United Arab Emirates U21 United Arab Emirates 694315 19 years and 18 days 18,90748,221 64 5551,850
140 Uruguay U21 Uruguay 35191105 19 years and 4 days 12,98930,809 69 5121,834
141 USA U21 USA 2330777 19 years and 0 days 26,72262,526 70 6611,954
142 Venezuela U21 Venezuela 1844513 19 years and 3 days 19,76248,465 66 5821,877
143 Việt Nam U21 Việt Nam 1373467 19 years and 14 days 14,60736,124 66 5381,842
144 Zambia U21 Zambia 1854558 19 years and 41 days 14,60234,316 69 5281,821