Email newsletters
Users of tracker are able to receive email messages from Hattrick Portal.
To enable this function you need to go in the email settings on the portal (for authorized user): on page About select the menu item E-mail, and set your email address, select the language of email messages and set the check box Receive e-mail.
At this time, there are the following types of email messages:
Email newsletters about problems with a players
These messages about the players on the lists are gets scout responsible for specific list, and chief scout and coach – for all the players on the lists.
The player gets to the mailing list during the update of its data, if it appears that he has an injury (1 week or more) or a sign of setting on the transfer or its owner – bot or close to this (not login in Hattrick for more than 35 days).
After mailing the player status is set that email has been sent. Status will be clean only after the player recovered, or will leave from the transfer, or owner login to the Hattrick accordingly.
Thus repeated messages for the player will not.
Email newsletters about violations of the training process
These messages about the players on the lists are gets scout responsible for specific list, and chief scout and coach (general list of players in all lists), and also player's owners (separately for each of its players).
The player hits to this mailing list, or if it does not satisfy the wishes of a scout on his training (training type, stamina training share), or parameters of training are too low for the preparation of player of a national team (trainer skill level lower than solid, the number of assistant coaches less than or equal to 5, the training level is lower than 90%).
These requirements are specifically lower than on the Alerts, to pay particular attention to these players.
After sending the message about the player, it is marked, and the next message about this player can be sent only after next training update in the country where he plays.
Email messages when scouts's notes changed for player
When scout save their wishes for training of player (in the The notes of the scout on the player page), then its owner (if he has email) get a message from a scout with recommendations for training his player.
Email messages when owner's notes changed for player
When the owner of the player saves his comments of the player (in the The notes of the owner on the player page), then if the player is in one of the scout's lists, then this message will be sent to scout responsible for that list of players, chief scouts and coach of the national team.